Kindness Goes a Long Way!
When is the last time that you held the door open for the person behind you? Or, helped someone get an item off a shelf in the grocery store? Or, help someone who has fallen on the floor? In today's life we are so busy that we often don't take time to stop and observe the more important things. And those important things are often not being taught to our children. It is so important to show our young ones the importance of being kind and their role in creating a kind climate. As educators we have the opportunity to demonstrate what kindness is to our students. We also can show them by way of activities and interactions.
During Kindness Week try one of the following activities in your elementary school! If not one of the following do something positive to change the culture in your school. Whatever we do as educators let's do something to ignite change by way of kindness!
During Kindness Week try one of the following activities in your elementary school! If not one of the following do something positive to change the culture in your school. Whatever we do as educators let's do something to ignite change by way of kindness!

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