Winter Break Revelation

As an educator we have the tendency to be self-less. We find ourselves at times over-extending ourselves, which can ultimately lead to burn-out.  We look for ways to be a part of the change in the life of someone that has not tapped into their potential.  We seek unexplored avenues to uncover the greatness that we envision for the future.  We put in over time knowing compensation is not an option.  We make ourselves visible after hours and on weekends to show up for the game of a student that needs to know that someone cares.  We reach out to our co-workers as we collect more data to strengthen the plan that has yet to be set in motion.  We advocate for the one with no voice because their thoughts matter.  We seek a deeper understanding of how this could be happening to someone that should be enjoying their innocence not have it ruined by experience.  We are constantly looking to save our students, so to speak. Even as we leave work and we turn our ignition over to leave the physical building we take work home with us mentally.  The car ride home is spent trying to figure out what can be done differently in order to achieve a different outcome.  As an educator I do this.  It is as if my off switch has malfunctioned and I am stuck in a constant go mode.  At least that is how I felt until recently.  

I had to sit myself down and put in time with me like I do others.  I began to invest in me and my future as I have for others.  I took a day and did absolutely nothing but sleep! It felt good.  I took several other days and slept in late.  When I woke and rolled out of the bed I felt refreshed.  The end result? I feel recharged.  I have four days left in winter break and I have done NOTHING (outside of Bible Study-need my spiritual food daily <3) but pour into my cup.  In fact, my cup runneth over! :-) 

I have made an agreement with myself that when I find myself refusing to turn the off switch on I will take two minutes to JUST BREATHE.  I will take in the scene around me and meditate on all the things aesthetically pleasing that GOD has blessed me with. I will close my eyes to escape, if only for a moment.  My promise is to keep pouring into my cup so that I can be a source of strength to draw from.

As educators we have to refill our cup daily to make sure that we are our optimal selves.  Schedule your moments to be rejuvenated.  Give yourself your full attention and show you the same attention you give to others.  Because when it boils down to it, we can't pour from an empty cup without experiencing negative side effects.  But from a cup that runneth over....we're unstoppable as we focus on shaping individuals of tomorrow!


The Ramblings of a School Counselor


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